Friday, June 24, 2011

Alright, lets do this!

Okay, so maybe updating my blog every day is not possible...I'm a little too busy to get that in with everything else.  That said there is some things I wanted to finish up about last week.....

Last Saturday I started off playing some sand VB with a guy that played a city league game with my team in the winter.  Because of the less than ideal weather (it wasn't raining, but cloudy and threatening to), we were the only two at the courts.  We peppered for a while, then took turns hitting.  We just chatted about life and got to know each other a bit and it was nice to make another connection and to get some sand practice in before taking on a game!  I think I may have even had a breakthrough on my hitting!  I figured out how to push off the sand and actually jump up, rather than out.  His wife and two kids were there for a while and they were really nice.  I think I would like to get to know them :)  Then I headed to the farmers market to get some starts from my garden!!!!  Latter that day, we headed over to my mom's so she could help me plan out where to plant everything.  Then we finished getting the other plants and seeds I needed and headed out to plant.  We were out until dark but it was really fun and I am so excited to grow my own produce!  It is going to taste sooooo good!

Sunday, we went to see "Forks Over Knives" with my mom which was interesting.  I already knew most of the information, but it was still fun to watch.  I think every person should watch that movie!  It is also nice to have reminders about why I choose to live the way I do when sometimes I feel like it would just be easier to go along with the norm.  Then my mom and I headed back to my garden to put up some shade bags for my plants so they didn't get sunburned.  Below are some pics before the bags were put up. (My garden looks the best by the way!)

Corn, cantaloupe, watermelon, lettuce, carrots, beans, basil, peppers, tomatoes, kale, rainbow chard, eggplant, pumpkin, cucumber, butternut squash, broccoli, cauliflower, ground cherry (a new thing I have never tried) and some pretty flowers!

Me and my mama!
Then, this week my biggest accomplishment is that I worked out hard and ate really well and I am feeling great!  I went to two cycling classes that kicked my but and went on a long ride today that felt easy even though my legs felt tired!  I have also gotten two good run workouts in and plan on doing a long, slow run this weekend.  Again, though my legs felt tired, I felt like I was running strong! I am really starting to enjoy my workouts becasue they don't feel like they take as much work to work hard....if that even makes any sense.  I also got in four days of strength training after my cardio and they are kicking my butt too!  I can't wait until all this starts feeling easier so I can remember where I came from :)  I also got in a few morning yoga sessions which really helped with my sore, stiff muscles.  My eating has been good.  Lots of veggies, less snacks and not a lot of late night munching!  I have even dropped a few pounds this week and I want to keep it going :)

I have continued with the Netti Pot and am starting to get the hang of it.  Not only that, but it is really helping!  I can breath fully through my nose which is really helping me at night, but when I really notice it is when I am working out and I can breath fully through my nose.  I don't feel like I breath as hard and I can push myself harder.

Speaking of the Netti Pot, that brings me to my books!  They were supposed to be here on Tuesday, and they were, I just couldn't get them.  They were supposed to be dropped off a the office, but the office was closed, so then they got lost for a couple days, and now I think they are really in the office, but I can't them until Monday when someone is in the office...BUT I'm still excited.  I just wish I had them to read over this weekend.  I am really excited to start my Crazy, Sexy Diet and read about running and cycling and for summer and my garden and volleyball, and, and, and :)  I am having a good summer so far and it's only been two weeks!  Yay!

Good night and good health!

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