I started my morning off with a large glass of water with some lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne powder as suggested by Kris in "Crazy, Sexy Diet." Though I haven't gotten my book yet, I am trying to incorporate some of the diet elements into my day so when I start the 21 day journey, it isn't as much of a shock! I was surprised at how little I could taste the cayenne, it wasn't until the last little bit that I could feel some heat in the back of my throat. That was followed up with my morning yoga routine that I do from time to time. It felt good to stretch out my slightly stiff running muscles from my back-at-it run yesterday, and the general stiffness that comes with waking. For breakfast I had a smoothie made with fruit, a splash of unsweetened almond milk and Vega health optimizer powder (a blend of protein, super foods and greens). Again with the idea of helping me transition to the Crazy Sexy Diet which starts the day off with a green juice/smoothie.
Then it was off to work. Though I don't usually have much to do, and especially now that it is summer and campus is deserted, I had a project to work on today that helped break up the 5 hour shift. Lunch was leftovers from last night and a new "yogurt" that I found! It is cultured almond milk and it tastes SOOO good! Much better, in my opinion than the soy or coconut varieties.
After work it was off to the gym. I hoped on the cycling bike for about 20 minutes, 5 warm-up, 15 intervals (1 min fast, 1 min rest, 1 min hard, 1 min rest, repeat), 5 cool down. It has been about 2 weeks since I have been on a bike and my legs felt good an refreshed! Then it was on to the strength training workout that I got out of a road racing running book. Though it looked fairly easy, I soon found out that my upper body is quite weak and the work out was challenging, but in a good way! I felt good after finishing!
Then it was off to the Co-Op for owner appreciation day! Where owners save a percentage off their purchase! I got some of the necessary things to begin following the Crazy, Sexy Diet. Though I didn't find everything I needed, I got most of it. More on what I got in later posts, but one thing that I did get that I have been wanting for a while, is a Neti Pot. It is a small tea pot like thing that you fill with warm water and a salt solution and is used to help clean out your nasal passages. I have had allergy problems my whole life. On and off medication, it works for a while, then it doesn't, my allergies get worse, then go away....yahda yahda. Anyhow, my sinus have been bothering me lately and I am really hoping this will do the trick! I am going to give it a try tonight and I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!
Good night and good health!
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